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This one girl

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I never know what me hit,
but there was this girl,
a tongue sharp like a whip,
and she had a nice round hip.

She walked on a small dangerous line,
her smile like the sunshine.
She broke me my heart,
but it was just an innocent flirt.

She was the devil in a beautiful shell,
and as I saw her, I fell.
I got lost in her beautiful eyes,
and in unspoken lies.

But the world spins and spins,
with all our little sins,
and so she was soon gone forever,
and I thought: „Whatever!“.

The beautiful moment was gone,
and my boring life must go on.

Do you understand what I mean?
Have you ever a good platonic relationship seen?
A relationship with laughter and fun,
which in a spiritually way begun?

A relationship which is kept on a mental level,
with both partners in the psychiatrists settle?

Published inGedichte

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